Hello All,

1. The second line of this music below is a bit cramped. How do I stretch
it? This problem goes away if I don't include gregorian.ly.

2. Is there a way to turn on the automatic line break again when using
\cadenzaOn? Putting \bar "" \break manually for a long score is rather
laborious causes inconsistency in the resulting score.

Thank you for your help.


\version "2.18.2"
\include "gregorian.ly"

\new Staff \with {
    alignAboveContext = #"main"
    fontSize = #-2

\relative c'' {\time 3/4
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\key c \major
  \override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##t
  \cadenzaOn c, d f e f g g( a) f e d2 \divisioMaior \bar"" \break f4( g)
a_( bes) a g_( f) g( a) g2 \bar"|."

      \addlyrics {
The Al -- might -- y has done great things for me, and ho -- ly is his
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