Hello Stephen,
you will find this documented at
and in the thereupon following section, New dynamic marks.
However in brief:
Usually, in the classical engraving style, which stood model for
Lilypond’s defaults, dynamics are printed in lower case and in a special
If you want to create an own style with capital dynamics, the dynamic
font will be no use, since it only contains the six or so letters
normally used. The custom formatting may be stored in a variable like
myff = \markup{ \halign #1.3 \lower #4 \italic \fontsize #1 \bold FF}
or, even better, made to also behave like a dynamic sign using
myffDyn = #(make-dynamic-script myff)
. They are then used by
<g-2>4\myffDyn or
<bes g>4\myff.
HTH, Simon
Am 04.03.2015 um 23:18 schrieb Stephen MacNeil:
Hey I have been doing dynamics with capitals like
\version "2.18.2"
\relative c'{
<g-2>4_\markup{ \halign #1.3 \lower #4 \italic \fontsize #1 \bold FF}
<bes-4\4>_\markup {\concat \halign #.8 {\dynamic m \italic \fontsize
#1 \bold F}} c d
bes4 d f a_\markup \halign #0 {\concat {\dynamic s \italic \fontsize
#1 \bold F}}
just an example, question is there a better way I know I can create a
\var for each just wondering if there is a better looking capital F
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