
My goal is to engrave a small piece that contains:
- chord
- melody
- lyrics

I would like to take advantage of the \parallelMusic macro, if that is possible.

The best results I was able to achieve were with this:
(although I bet there are more elegant ways)

    \version "2.14.2"

    \parallelMusic #'(harmonies melody text)
                c1 |

                c2 e4 g |

                \lyricmode { Cee Eee Gee } |

    \score {
        \new ChordNames {
          \set chordChanges = ##t
        \new Voice = "one" { \relative c' \melody }
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
      \layout { }
      \midi { }

When Lilypond processes the above input, the output is OK.
What bothers me that it prints this message:

        03.ly:9:27: Bars in parallel music don't have the same length
                           { Cee Eee Gee } |

Question #1: Why?

Question #2: Is there a way how I could write lyrics without repeating 
\lyricmode in every tact?

Thanks you very MUCH for the help.

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