Am 02.03.2015 um 06:16 schrieb Helge Kruse:
I have a problem with  connecting arpeggio. The arrow of
\arpeggioArrowDown or -Up vanishes when I connect the arpeggios of two
staves. You can reproduce it with the example below. Comment out the
connectArpeggios line and you see arrows.

Is this a known bug?

Regards Helge

\version "2.18.0"

upperHarpII = \relative c'' {
Or, as an override: \override PianoStaff.arpeggio.arpeggio-direction = #-1
   \arpeggioArrowDown  <b c>2\arpeggio r
lowerHarpII = \relative c' {
   \clef bass
   \arpeggioArrowDown  <a e a,>2\arpeggio r

\score {
   \new PianoStaff \with {
     connectArpeggios = ##t
   } <<
     \new Staff \upperHarpII
     \new Staff \lowerHarpII

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