On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 3:11 PM, Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:
> Yes, but I'd repeat that this is less LilyPond's fault than a problem of
> having an amount of music that is inherently unsuitable to be typeset
> nicely on one system.

I'll have to say that I find this perspective a bit short-sighted. (no pun

There's *lots* of "short" music that would benefit greatly from beautiful
typesetting.  For example, there are *many* collections of traditional
Irish and Americana music, where each song is but a handful of measures
long.   (See collections on itma.ie for example)

The vast majority of this type of music on the internet is currently stored
in ABC format, and poorly engraved into low-resolution images.  This music
would benefit greatly from Lilypond's enhanced functionality (easy key
changes, much better articulations, etc.)

Another use-case is sheet music used for and during music instruction.
Much of these beginner's songs are also only a few measures long, but can
often contain "extra verbose" articulations and lots of markup to help
students learn to read music, and to make it extremely clear how the piece
should be played.

Considering Lilypond for large-scale classical music engraving only is
missing a much larger part of the picture.


> --
> Urs Liska
> www.openlilylib.org
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