My lead sheet is coming along fine thanks to your help. But I have this question:
1. How can I make the lyrics to the bridge start after the 2nd repeat? Right now they appear as a 3rd stanza. TIA Peter
Ain't Misbehavin v3.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
--------------- LilyPond file ---- \version "2.19.15" \header { title = "Ain't Misbehavin'" poet = "Words: Andy Razal " composer = \markup { \concat { "Music: " \column { "Thomas 'Fats' Waller" \vspace #-.4" & Harry Brooks" } } } meter = "Slowly" tagline = \markup { \column { "LilyPond file by Peter Teeson, Toronto 2015/02/25" } } } \include "" % English accidental names f = flat, s = sharp #(set-global-staff-size 30) melody = \relative c' { \key ef \major \time 2/2 \clef treble \repeat volta 2 { r8 ef f ef d' d4. | r8 f, g f c'2 | r8 bf c bf ef ef4 d8 | f ef c g~ g gf4 f8 | r8 ef f ef d' d4. | r8 f, g f c' c4 bf8 | } \alternative { {\break g1~ | g1 |} { g1~ | g2. r4 \bar ":|." \break } } } bridge = \relative c'' { \repeat unfold 3 { r4 ef8 c ef c4 } } VerseOne = \lyricmode { \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = 1 \set stanza = "#1. " No one to talk with, all by my -- self, no one to walk with, but I'm hap -- py on __ the shelf, Ain't Mis -- be -- hav -- in' I'm sav -- in' my love for you __ you __ } VerseTwo = \lyricmode { \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = 1 \set stanza = "#2. " I know for cer -- tain the one I love, I'm thru with flir -- tin' it's just you I'm think -- in' of. Ain't Mis -- be -- hav -- in' I'm sav -- in' my love for } Bridge = \lyricmode { \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = 1 Like Jack Horn -- er in the cor -- ner, don't go no -- where } \score { << \new Voice = "one" { \melody \bridge } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" { \VerseOne } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" { \VerseTwo } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" { \Bridge } >> \layout { } \midi { } }
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