2015-02-26 14:29 GMT+01:00 Rita Composer <ritacompo...@gmail.com>:

> I1d like to ask how can I override the space between single noteheads/
> melismas just in one score.
> So for example I have 1 page with several scores and I'd like to have
> bigger distance / space between noteheads in one score.
> I've found this in the ily file
> space =
> #(define-music-function
> (parser location anzahl)
> (number?)
> #{
> \grace { \repeat unfold #anzahl s }
> #})
> But I cannot see any numbers to change...

Yes, absolutely, '\space' is your friend; try:

\version "2.19.15"

\include "modernGregorian.ily"

\transpose c c' {
  \clef G
  \omit Stem
  \key c\major
  \melisma { a4^\markup {\fontsize #1.5 l} \lst a \tli g \lst a \tli g }
  \space #30
  d \bar "||"

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