>>>>> "Davide" == Davide Liessi <davide.lie...@gmail.com> writes:

Davide> Dear Peter, Il 24/02/15 06.48, Peter Chubb ha scritto:
>> I had a brainstorm -- the problem is SkipMusic which isn't handled
>> anywhere.  But we can use a SkipEvent instead, and it all works!!!

Davide> Alas it does not: I get the same barcheck failures both in the
Davide> minimal example I posted and in the real use case and the
Davide> trill spanner still does not end.

Davide> Instead I tried to mimick in articulate.ly the workaround
Davide> suggested by Joram (<>) and it seems to work: I get correct
Davide> trills and no barcheck warnings.

That works!

Can you get Joram to push a patch to Rietveldt?  I'd rather the kudos
for the fix went to the person who developed it.

BTW, articulate was developed as a hack for the Artemis robot
instrument challenge; changes in Lilypond since then mean that it's
rather out of date.  Some of the functionality is now already in the
Lilypond C++ core (shortening non-legato notes); it'd be nice to clean
it up.  Especially as at the time I taught myself scheme and lilypind
internals enough to create the script; there are lots of things that
are sub-optimal.  So it really needs a complete rewrite, using some of
the ideas, but not much of the code.

Peter C
Dr Peter Chubb                                  peter.chubb AT nicta.com.au
http://www.ssrg.nicta.com.au          Software Systems Research Group/NICTA

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