On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 1:16 AM, Dominic <dominicirv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How can I get both the metronome mark and the tempo spanner to be
> interpreted on a single line in the Score context AND still have full
> independence of text spanners within individual staffs?

I think your problem probably is in your newly-defined ScoreSpanner. Are
you sure you need to create a new context just for the tempo marks? I was
able to get the behaviour you wanted by simply using a Dynamics context

i.e. replace
\new ScoreSpanner { \tempoMarks }
 \new Dynamics { \tempoMarks }
and it should work.

If for some reason you really do need your own context then I'd say you
need to add some more options/properties to the one you defined.
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