Greetings -

I'm running LilyPond 2.18.2 under Windows 7, with Frescobaldi 2.17.2

I'm transcribing (and then trasnsposing) some music, and I've run into a
problem reproducing some acciaccaturas with extended slurs. I tried
attaching a .pdf of the source (AcciaccaturaSlurSource.pdf) and the .pdf of
what I've tried so far (AcciaccaturaSlur.pdf), but the email was rejected
because it was too large. I've put the images in DropBox. Here are the
links :

I could not find anything in the documents or in the Snippet Repository
that addressed the problem. I would appreciate some help, or at least a
nudge in the right direction. Even using the \slurUp solution, the slur
sometimes collides with the grace note.

Here's my code for my attempts:


\version "2.18.2"

\language english

A =
\relative c'' {
  \key d \major
  \clef treble
  \time 2/4

  \slurUp \acciaccatura {e8} cs( a) \slurUp \acciaccatura {e'8} b4-- |

  \slurUp \acciaccatura {a'8} cs,16( d e8) d16( cs b8) |

  \slurUp \acciaccatura {e8(} cs a) \slurUp \acciaccatura {e'8(} b4--) |


\score {
  \layout {}



Thanks for your time and attention,


Ralph Palmer
Brattleboro, VT
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