Hello Noram!

The fog is slowly moving away from my eyes, even if it is not clear day yet.

I see why I did not succeed with default-staff-staff-spacing. I was checking only in my grouped system, as this is my current environment and will be so for a long time, as I am pottering about choir music.

Your explanation shows a theoretically clean interface to grouped and not grouped staves. But obviously VerticalAxisGroup will do the job much as good as StaffGrouper also when the staves are grouped, even if this might be against the designed rule. Question is if this causes a disadvantage compared to the "correct" solution. When I have learned more about LilyPond I maybe can answer this myself, but for now I have climbed just a small piece up on this long and steep uphill slope, which one has to walk to learn this program.

Thank you for your explanation. It helped me a good deal.

Den 2015-02-19 12:39, skrev Noeck:
Hi Kaj,

these spacing settings are very flexible but also quite complicated. The manual
indeed explains this. But I try to make it easier for your case. This works for 

\version "2.18.2"

\layout {
   indent = #0
   ragged-right = ##t
   % staves setting
   \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup.default-staff-staff-spacing.basic-distance 
= #20
   % staffgoup setting
   \override StaffGroup.StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing.basic-distance = #15

% staves
\score {
     \new Staff { c'1 e'1 }
     \new Staff { d'1 f'1 }

% staff group example
\score {
   \new StaffGroup <<
     \new Staff { c'1 e'1 }
     \new Staff { d'1 f'1 }

In the first case (staves combined with << >> without grouping), the
VerticalAxisGroup of the Staff (or higher level objects like the Score) is
responsible. Here is one exception from other x-y-spacing settings: In this
case, the staff-staff-setting is a function that should not be overwritten (and
throws an error if it is). This function combines different settings, one of
them being default-staff-staff-spacing.

In the second case (any kind of StaffGroup), the StaffGrouper is responsible for
vertical distances between staves in this staff group.

Is it clearer now?


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