2015-02-15 16:56 GMT+01:00 Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net>: > http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1444 > > -- > Phil Holmes > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: MING TSANG > To: lilypond-user@gnu.org > Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2015 2:48 PM > Subject: repeat tremolo - warning message > > lily ponders, > > I ran the following lily code and got a warning message. > The first and 2nd \repeat tremolo are the same except the pitch. > (1) Why the second \repeat tremolo return a warning message.? > (2) How can I adjust the \repeat tremolo so that it display in the middle > of two pitches - ie slanted upwards toward the high note? > I have problem to attach .png, lilypond-user rejected my email saying it is > too big. > > Immanuel, > Ming > > %% lily code starts .... > \version "2.19.15" > \language "english" > si = { \time 4/4 > <c'c''>2 e'16 g' a' c'' g' a' c'' d'' |%m52 > \override Beam.gap = #2 > \repeat tremolo 8 { e'' e''' } |%m53 <-28 > \repeat tremolo 8 { b' b''} |%m54 <-29 > \repeat tremolo 4 { a' a''} <g'g''>4 a''8 g'' |\break%m55 <-30 > } > ai = { \clef bass > c8 g c' d' c'4 g |%m52 > c8 g c' d' e'4 c' |%m53 > e8 b e' b g'4 e' |%m54 > f8 c' f'4 <g d'f'>2 |%m55 > } > \score { > << > \new Staff \si > \new Staff \ai >>> > \layout { } > } > %%lily code ends > > Warning message: > 9:27 warning: weird stem size, check for narrow beams > \repeat tremolo 8 { b' > b''} |%m54 <-29
Hi, please always try to boil down your code to a minimal example, like: \version "2.19.15" \repeat tremolo 8 { b'16 b'' } Anyway, part of the problem are the Stems. Yes, whole notes _do_ have a Stem in LilyPond. Look at the terminal-output of: \relative c'' { \override Stem.after-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob) (newline) (format #t "\n\tStem found: ~a\n" grob)) c1 } In your use-case you can deal with it, setting stem-direction explecitely. Though, overrides for 'gap and 'positions of Beam may trigger more warnings, which can be surpressed as shown below: \version "2.19.15" %% The overrides for 'gap _and_ 'positions, both may trigger a warning, %% depending on the used values %% Uncomment one or both of the following lines to get rid of it % #(ly:expect-warning (_ "weird stem size, check for narrow beams")) % #(ly:expect-warning (_ "weird stem size, check for narrow beams")) { \override Beam.gap = #1.5 % a value of 2 will cause warnings \override Beam.positions = #'(1.6 . 2.8) \repeat tremolo 8 { \stemUp b'16 \stemDown b'' \stemNeutral } } HTH, Harm _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user