The Notation Manual seems to allow a naked duration to represent the last pitch 
with that duration.  The following extract from the NM shows what I'm talking 

(you'd think that since we're only on p6, it would be easy to find the explicit 
permission to do this, but I can't find it.  Maybe it's somewhere later in the 
NM.  You'd probably also think that since the difference between absolute and 
relative pitch entry has already been discussed this snippet should read:  
cis''1~ 1~ \break cis''.)

Another illustration of this use of naked duration occurs on NM p371:

which produces:

If examples such as this are modified by the \articulate command, the midi file 
is non-representative of the LP input.  For example,

\version "2.19.15"
\include ""

\score { {
        \unfoldRepeats     \articulate
        \new Staff  {cis''1~ 1~ \break cis''}
     \midi {  }

produces a midi file which consists of 4 beats of cis'' folowed by 4 beats of 
rest or silence followed by 4 beats of cis''.

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