2015-02-14 18:18 GMT+01:00 Patrick Karl <patrickk...@me.com>:
> I have run into a couple of anomalies with the \articulate command and the 
> abbreviation "rit."
> First,
> \version "2.19.15"
> \include "articulate.ly"
> \score{
>     \unfoldRepeats \articulate
>     \new ChoirStaff <<
>         \new Staff c-"rit."
>         \new Staff c-"rit."
>     >>
>     \layout { }
>     \midi { }
> }
> throws a warning:       warning: Two simultaneous tempo-change events, 
> junking this one
>                                 warning: Previous tempo-change event here
> If "rit." is replaced with "\markup { "rit." }, no warning is thrown. Section 
> "1.8.1 Writing text" pretty much implies that those two ways of generating 
> text are equivalent.
> I don't think this warning should occur.  Isn't it a common thing to place 
> such a notation in all staves so that if parts are generated, each part will 
> have the notation.


When creating a score file using \unfoldRepeats for MIDI, it is
necessary to make two \score blocks: one for MIDI (with unfolded
repeats) and one for notation (with volta, tremolo, and percent
repeats). For example,

\score {
  \layout { … }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats …music…
  \midi { … }

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