
there may be some issues I do not have in this simple example. But in principle
extracting dynamics from music into a dynamics context is possible (second staff
- Do not engrave the dynamics with the staff (remove engraver)
- Put the same music in a dynamics context in addition (the notes are not
  printed there anyway.

I did not care about midi here, but that would be possible by removing
performers or doing a separate midi score. Not having separate dynamics has the
advantage, that it is easier for the midi output to interpret it right.

\version "2.18.2"

music = \relative c' { a\f b\p\< g f\! a\cresc c a c c\ff }

\markup "Normal staff including the dynamics"
  \new Staff \music

\markup "Separate dynamics context from the same variable"
  \new Voice \with { \remove "Dynamic_engraver" } \music
  \new Dynamics \music


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