Hello folks, In order to produce home-make fingerings, I use the code below, a solution supplied by users of this list:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.19.15" Introduction = \relative g, { \markLengthOn \clef "bass" \key bes \major \time 2/4 | % 1 \tempo "Moderato" 4 = 108 g2 \mf -\tweak TextScript.self-alignment-X #CENTER ^\markup{\large\bold\with-color #magenta "1E"} | % 2 g2 \bar "||" } {\Introduction} %%%%%%%%%%%%%% My attempt to define a variable UN_E to obtain the same effect: %%%%%%%%%%%%%% UN_E = { \tweak TextScript.self-alignment-X #CENTER \markup\large\bold\with-color #magenta "1E" } {g2 \mf ^\markup{\UN_E} %%%%%%%%%%%%%% leads to error messages: Users/menu/Documents/LaTeX/PartitionsLilypond/DoigteAndTweakAsVariable.ly:26:3: Erreur : type d'argument erroné pour 3. Attendait symbol list or music, (markup #:large (#:bold (#:with-color (list 1.0 0.0 1.0) "1E"))) trouvé \markup\large\bold\with-color #magenta "1E" /Users/menu/Documents/LaTeX/PartitionsLilypond/DoigteAndTweakAsVariable.ly:29:18: Erreur : syntax error, unexpected MUSIC_IDENTIFIER {g2 \mf ^\markup{ \UN_E} /Users/menu/Documents/LaTeX/PartitionsLilypond/DoigteAndTweakAsVariable.ly:29:24: Erreur : Fichier principal non fini {g2 \mf ^\markup{\UN_E} Thanks for your help to sort this out! JM _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user