On Monday, February 09, 2015 10:21:31 PM Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Thomas Spuhler <thomas.spuhler <at> btspuhler.com> writes:
> > On Monday, February 09, 2015 01:52:41 PM Jim Long wrote:
> > > > but when I convert this file with the command
> > > > convert-ly -edc --from=2.13.8 part-vocal-keyboard.ly
> > > > 
> > > > it adds on top of the file \version "2.16.0"
> > > > 
> > > > I have version 2.18.2 installed.
> > > > 
> > > > why is it only updating to version 2.16.0?
> Did you check if the convert-ly command resulted in any warning or error
> messages? It's not uncommon that convert-ly finds a construct that it's not
> able to handle automatically. If this is the case, it write an error message
> on the output and only converts the file up to the version that it was able
> to handle. You then have to manually edit that specific part of the file and
> then you can use convert-ly to continue its automatic updates. I have
> experienced some old files where this process has to be repeated several
> times before convert-ly is able to bring it all up to the latest version
> (i.e. the latest version that required any changes of the syntax).

On this one, I only got a two warnings, but o other files I did.
This project actually uses a Makefile (and of course it needs to be trimmed too)

>    /Mats
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Best regards
Thomas Spuhler

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