Hi Sister Judit,

I finally changed the ornament function (see attached "modernGregorian.ily"
Syntax is easy:

'note' -\tweak extra-offset #'(X .Y) \orn

2015-02-01 10:15 GMT+01:00 Rita Composer <ritacompo...@gmail.com>:

> Another problem of us, taht we use
>  \language "deutsch"
> which means we have h instead of b

Simply add :

 melisma = #(define-music-function (parser location mus)
        { \neume { $mus } h }

In your file (or replace it in modernGregorian.ily").

Now it can cause a bit difficulty like this in the attechement.
> Another not a "big" proble, just a bit :-) that when we write a music in A
> mayor, outside the melisma we have to write "cis"
> inside a melisma a "c". Is it complicated to unite? Either cis or c ?

Yes I know this is anoying but, franckly speaking, not easy to achieve.
I'll thnik about it anyway. ;)


Attachment: modernGregorian.ily
Description: Binary data

\version "2.19.15"
\include "modernGregorian.ily"
\language "deutsch"

melisma = #(define-music-function (parser location mus)
        { \neume { $mus } h }

\paper { 
  indent = 0
  top-margin = 15
  left-margin = 20
  right-margin = 20
  system-system-spacing = #'((minimum-distance . 16)) 

myMelody = \transpose c c' {
  \clef G
  \key a\major
  \omit Stem
  \melisma { e \lst a \sst f e \sst c \melisma { d \lst e } } e 
  \once\override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(0 . 2) \bar "|"
  \melisma { e \lst g r a \lst h } \melisma { \lst a g f e } 
  \once\override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(0 . 2) \bar "|"
  \melisma { e \lst a \sst f e \sst c \melisma d \lst e  } e 
  \once\override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(0 . 2) \bar "|"
  e cis d
  \bar "" \break
  cis h, \melisma { d \lst f e } \melisma { d \lst e } e
  \bar "|"
  e gis a h a gis h a
  \once\override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(0 . 2) \bar "|" \break
  \melisma { \lst g f e } \melisma { f \lst a } 
  \melisma { \lst e \sst c } \melisma { \lst d \melisma c } h,
  \bar "|"
  \melisma { d \lst f e } \melisma { d \lst e } 
  e -\tweak extra-offset #'(1.5 . -2) \orn
  \melisma { e \lst g r a \lst h } \melisma { \lst a g f e }
  \melisma { f \lst a \mst e \sst c \melisma d \lst e } e
  \bar "|"\break
  e gis a h a \melisma { \lst g f } e
  \once\override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(0 . 2) \bar "|"
  fis a e cis \melisma { \lst d \melisma c \melisma h, d \lst f e }
  \bar "" \break
  \melisma { d \lst e } e 
  \bar "|"
  \melisma { \lst e \sst c \melisma \lst d \melisma c \melisma h, d \lst f e }
  \melisma { d \lst e } e
  \once\override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(0 . 2) \bar "|"
  \melisma { e \lst g r a \lst h } \melisma { \lst a g f e }
  \melisma { 
    f \lst a \mst e c \melisma \lst d \melisma c 
    \melisma h, -\tweak extra-offset #'(1 . -2.5) \orn 
    r r \lst f e f \lst g 
  \melisma { \lst f e }
  \bar "||"

myLyrics = \lyricmode {
  \lal San -- ctus, 
  \lal San -- ctus,
  \lal San -- ctus,
  Dó -- mi -- nus
  De -- us Sá -- ba -- oth.
  Ple -- ni sunt cæ -- li et ter -- ra
  gló -- ri -- a tu -- a.
  Ho -- sán -- na \lal in \lal ex -- \lal cél -- sis.
  Be -- ne -- dí -- ctus, qui ve -- nit
  in nó -- mi -- ne \lal Dó --
  mi -- ni.
  \lal Ho -- sán -- na \lal in \lal ex -- \lal cél -- sis.

\score {
    \new Voice = MyMelody \myMelody
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto MyMelody \myLyrics
  \layout { }
  \header {
    piece = \markup { 
      \fontsize #9 \bold "601" 
      \fontsize #2 
      \raise #2.3 {
        \bold "Sanctus"
        \italic "(GrR VI. mise)"
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