On 2015-01-31 00:43, Thomas Morley wrote:
2015-01-29 22:06 GMT+01:00 and...@andis59.se <and...@andis59.se>:
On 2015-01-28 21:45, Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote:
Thank you Anders,
myNotes = \relative c' { \pedA a2\5 \pedF cis'2\4 } seems to work.
I might live with myNotes = \relative c' << \pedA a2\5 \pedF cis'2\4 >> ,
which also seem to work.
Applying your unchanged function returns:
GNU LilyPond 2.19.15
Processing `firsttest.ly'
Interpreting music...
warning: Requested string for pitch requires negative fret: string 5
pitch #<Pitch g >
warning: Ignoring string request and recalculating.
warning: Requested string for pitch requires negative fret: string 4
pitch #<Pitch bis >
warning: Ignoring string request and recalculating.
I wouldn't call it "seem to work" ;)
No ;-) I also got that until I realized that my function does not work
with \relative c' so my function will get the notes a2\5 which is
correctly transpose to g2\5 but since the string 5 is tuned at b' it's a
bit hard to put it on that string!
If I change \relative c' to \transpose c c' then it works!
myNotes = \transpose c c' {
<< \pedA a2\5 \pedF cis'2\4 >>
Sorry not being able to do more, I've no clue how the desired output
should look finally...
What I want to do is create a tablature for the Pedal Steel Guitar.
Since it has pedals that retune the strings, which are named A, B, C,...
,the actual tab location needs to be for the not-retuned note.
e.e The pedal A will retune string 5 from b' to cis' and string 10 from
b to cis. This means if I want it to show the pitch a' on string 5 I can
tab this as g which will be on fret 8. then I put the pedal name beside
the tab note. so it will look like 8A.
But in the normal Staff I of cause want to have the a' that the player
should play.
So my function pedalAction should take a note (Pitch with string-number)
and transpose it according to the pedal definition.
In a perfect world I would like it to work on chords (acting on specific
notes in the chord) and on notes.
Hopefully I have made this a bit more understandable!
I will come back to you when I have figured out what your
transpose-last-chord-entry does and how...
Thank you for you help!
// Anders
English isn't my first language.
So any error or strangeness is due to the translation.
Please correct my English so that I may become better.
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