Hello Klaus,
On 2015-01-26 22:08, Klaus Blum wrote:
Hi Anders,
the "\rightHandFinger" command can only be used for a single note, not for a
whole "music" expression that could also be a chord or a sequence of notes
and rests.
Replacing "ly:music?" by "ly:pitch?" should do the trick:
Aha! I thought about this but I never tried it...
Can you please direct me to where in the documentation this is specified!
\version "2.19.15"
meTrans =
#(define-music-function (parser location mus txt) (ly:pitch? string?)
\transpose c cis $mus \rightHandFinger
\markup\normal-text\bold\fontsize #0 $txt
\transpose c cis c' \rightHandFinger \markup\normal-text\bold\fontsize #0
\meTrans c' "a"
This function is almost what I need. I would need to be able to write
< e' \meTrans a'\5 "A" \meTrans cis'\6 "F" >2. e'4
Which doesn't work. Since \5 isn't a pitch it's a string-number (Yes I'm
doing Tab)
It doesn't seems like a'\5 counts as a ly:music. Just the a' is the
music and \5 is a string-number.
If you want to transpose more than just one note, you should split things
One function to apply the fingering markup on single notes, another function
to transpose the whole music expression:
If it's possible I would like to have one function only.
I have already made some shortcuts that has the txt param as a constant.
So I can call
\pedA c'
Where pedA =
#(define-music-function (parser location mm)(ly:pitch?)
#{ \pedalAction "A" $mm #})
In the real code I have switched the params and meTrans is called
so the music above will be written
< e' \pedA a'\5 \pedF cis'\6 >2. e'4
(Yes, I'm still fiddling with my Pedal Steel Guitar Tab mode)
English isn't my first language.
So any error or strangeness is due to the translation.
Please correct my English so that I may become better.
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