If Kieren is right about the font format, you might try using a free online
TTF-to-OTF converter on the font file you'd like to use. Other than that, it
looks like your syntax is correct. You could also change one of the main
document fonts to be the one you are trying to use.
- Abraham
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 24, 2015, at 2:58 PM, Matthew James Briggs [via Lilypond]
> <> wrote:
> Hello, I am brand new to this and trying to learn how to change the fonts
> used for text elements. In this case, Title.
> The example below does not work (I'm using a crazy font for the example, in
> actuality I would use something else, but this proves for sure that the Font
> is not being changed).
> Attached is a picture of the Font Book application on my Mac. How do I know
> the exact name of the font-name that should be used in the ly file? Could
> this differ from what I see in the FontBook?
> Also, I usually like to increase the kerning of the Title. Is this possible?
> Thanks.
> .mjb
> \version "2.18.2"
> \header {
> title = \markup {
> \override #'(font-name . "Baghdad")
> "This my Masterpiece"
> }
> }
> \paper {
> #(set-paper-size "letter")
> }
> \score {
> <<
> \violinPart
> \marimbaPart
> >>
> \layout { }
> \midi { }
> }
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