Am Samstag, 24. Januar 2015 18:18 CET, "" <> 
> I want to create my own display function that combines several commands 
> into one function.
> I have tried this
> \version "2.19.15"
> #(define bar #f)
> #(define tmp #f)
> meDisplay =
> #(define-void-function (parser location message value)
>     (markup? variable?)
>     (display message)
>     (display " : ")
>     (display value)
>     (newline)
>     )
> foo =
> #(define-void-function (parser location mus)
>     (ly:music?)
>       (set! tmp (cons #{ b #} #{ cis #}))
>       (meDisplay "tmp" tmp)
>       (newline)
>       (set! bar (acons 1 tmp bar))
>       (display bar)
>       (newline)
>       (set! tmp (cons #{ cis #} #{ b #}))
>       (display tmp)
>       (newline)
>       (set! bar (acons 2 tmp bar))
>       (display bar)
>       (newline)
>       mus
> )
> {
>    \foo c'
> }
> But I get this error:
> Parsing...c:/users/ame/appdata/local/temp/frescobaldi-a77ofr/tmpe2f6wv/
> In expression (meTrace "tmp" tmp):
> c:/users/ame/appdata/local/temp/frescobaldi-a77ofr/tmpe2f6wv/
> Wrong type to apply: #<Music function #<procedure #f (parser location 
> message value)>>
> Exited with return code 1.
> I'm probably doing a simple error(?) Like having the wrong type of 
> define-???-function.

Yes, you declare meDisplay as taking four arguments but call it with two.
Why don't you define it as a simple scheme function?
#(define (meDisplay message value)
    (display message)
    (display " : ")
    (display value)

Why do you declare foo as a void function? After all, it _does_ return music, 
doesn't it?

foo =
#(define-music-function (parser location mus)
      (set! tmp (cons #{ b #} #{ cis #}))
      (meDisplay "tmp" tmp)
      (set! bar (acons 1 tmp bar))
      (display bar)
      (set! tmp (cons #{ cis #} #{ b #}))
      (display tmp)
      (set! bar (acons 2 tmp bar))
      (display bar)

> I have tried a couple of different type of 
> functions but ...

If you do it like above everything should work.

 HTH Ralf Mattes
> // Anders
> -- 
> English isn't my first language.
> So any error or strangeness is due to the translation.
> Please correct my English so that I may become better.
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