
Thomas Morley-2 wrote
> Maybe:
> \version "2.19.15"
> printTimeSignatureFraction =
> \applyContext #(lambda (ctx)
>   (let* ((context
>            (ly:context-property-where-defined ctx 'timeSignatureFraction))
>          (time-sig-frac
>            (ly:context-property context 'timeSignatureFraction)))
>   (display time-sig-frac)))
> \relative c' {
>     \time 3/2
>     \printTimeSignatureFraction % => (3 . 2)
>     c''1
>         \compoundMeter #'((1 4) (3 8))
>     \printTimeSignatureFraction % => (5 . 8) !!
>         \repeat unfold 5 c8 \repeat unfold 10 c16
> }
> Though the compound TimeSig will return "summarized"
> Cheers,
>   Harm

That works great! Thanks so much for your help. Perhaps I should have
mentioned it in the original post, but I'd like to be able to use the values
in time-sig-frac to automatically make a MultiMeasureRest with the duration
of the full measure, but when I attempt to do so, nothing gets added to my
score. Here's my latest and greatest:


\version "2.18.2" 

autoMMR = 
\applyContext #(lambda (ctx) 
  (let* ((context 
           (ly:context-property-where-defined ctx 'timeSignatureFraction)) 
           (ly:context-property context 'timeSignatureFraction))
         (num (car time-sig-frac))
         (den (cdr time-sig-frac)))
    (make-music 'MultiMeasureRestMusic
       (ly:make-duration 0 0 num den)

\relative c' { 
  \time 3/2 

  \compoundMeter #'((1 4)(3 8)) 
  \repeat unfold 5 c8 \repeat unfold 10 c16 


I know that applyContext creates its own "(make-music ..." block, so maybe
there's some scoping issue I'm not aware of. Any further help would be
greatly appreciated!


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