Actually, making a couple other measures wider would likely also do the trick.  
In trying to create a small file which demonstrates the problem I am mystified 
as when I excerpt the section I want to change the excerpt doesn't display the 
problem.  I'll have to try to see why.  Another thing I want to do is to 
shorten the stems on some beamed notes.  I can shorten them on separately 
flagged ones, but I have not found how to shorten beamed stems.  Hints?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Barry" <>
Cc: "Lillypond Users Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 6:15:30 PM
Subject: Re: horizontal control

Hi David,

In general it is very difficult to make lilypond alter the width of a
single bar (to quote the manual: `There is no convenient mechanism to
manually override spacing'). There are some ad hoc solutions for specific
cases (that mostly make a bar /wider/) but your question doesn't give
enough information to suggest a solution. Could you perhaps create a tiny
example that illustrates your problem and hopefully we will be able to
suggest a solution.


On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 4:54 PM, <>

> I want to compress a specific measure horizontally.  It contains a full
> measure rest and nothing else.  I have tried various searches but have not
> found how to do this.  Can someone point me to the place in the docs where
> this is explained?
> Thanks,
> David
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