> Try:
> \bar ".|:-||"

Thanks a bunch! That does indeed work. If you ever need a trick or two
from the advanced DNS trick book, I'll be happy to repay you ... :-)

> It's in the NR ;)

I did find that part, but that is, however, not how I understood it. :-P

Can you also explain why it's needed? Why doesn't the

\bar "||" \break
\repeat 2 { ... }

work? I _do_ realise that repeat marks at the beginning of the entire
piece aren't supposed to be printed, but this is not the case.

Does the \bar "||" (or \break?) signal something to LilyPond (which \bar
"|" doesn't) like "end-of-phrase", that makes it treat the next line as
the beginning of a (sub?-)piece?  But that doesn't make sense either,
because another hint in the NR describes how to actually put repeat
marks at the very beginning, and that only works at the VERY beginning,
_not_ after the "||".

Happier, but still confused, and only at a slightly higher level ... :-)

But I need sleep. Badly ... :-)


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