> Is there a possibility to do something like this?
 >     if( custom_cfg_flag)
 >     {
 >         % default score combination
 >         % (e.g. with header and chords)
 >     }
 >     else
 >     {
 >         % some other combination
 >         % (e.g. only melody)
 >     }

 I have also always wanted LilyPond to provide me with
 the code-writing niceties which C offers. Here is a
 method which enables me to use blocks of preprocessor
 directives in the manner which I am used to:

 #define BEGRIFF

 #ifdef BEGRIFF
   #define INTEGER_CONSTANT 43

 My operating system is Linux. For its GNU Compiler Suite
 there is the preprocessor ``gpp''. This preprocessor can
 be invoked with the ``-T'' option, to instruct it to
 understand macros which are written in the style that
 TeX (and LilyPond) use.

 The first shell script processes a the file

 % Within a region which is commented, you can embed your
 % macro definitions.
 % \define{conditionalPackage}
 % \ifdef{conditionalPackage}
 %   \define{musicPassage}{\musicPassageAlpha}
 % \else
 %   \define{musicPassage}{\musicPassageBeta}
 % \endif
 \version "2.12.3"
 \header { title = "Using if/else Constructs by Means of GPP" }
 musicPassageAlpha = { c'4 d' e' f' }
 musicPassageBeta = { b,4 a, g, f, }
 \score {
     \new Staff \musicPassage
   \layout { }
 % EOF

 Here is the shell script that does the work:

 #! /bin/bash
 # Invokes ``[[gpp]]'' in order to process an input file
 # which has a macro definition in it formatted in the
 # manner which TeX formats things.
 gpp -T -o $OUTPUT_FILE $INPUT_FILE && \
   echo 'Output file "'$OUTPUT_FILE'" successfully written.'
 # EOF

 The second shell script processes a the file
 ``if-else-1b-input.ly''. This document has an ``undef''
 preprocessor directive in it.

 % Within a region which is commented, you can embed your
 % macro definitions.
 % This version puts an ``undef'' preprocessor
 % directive in the macro definition.
 % \define{conditionalPackage}
 % \undef{conditionalPackage}
 % \ifdef{conditionalPackage}
 %   \define{musicPassage}{\musicPassageAlpha}
 % \else
 %   \define{musicPassage}{\musicPassageBeta}
 % \endif
 \version "2.12.3"
 \header { title="Using if/else Constructs by Means of GPP" }
 musicPassageAlpha = { c'4 d' e' f' }
 musicPassageBeta = { b'''4 a''' g''' f''' }
 \score {
     \new Staff \musicPassage
   \layout { }
 % EOF

 Here is the shell script that does the work:

 #! /bin/bash
 # Invokes ``[[gpp]]'' in order to process an input file
 # which has a macro definition in it formatted in the
 # manner which TeX formats things.
 gpp -T -o $OUTPUT_FILE $INPUT_FILE && \
   echo 'Output file "'$OUTPUT_FILE'" successfully written.'
 # EOF
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