On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 09:01:45AM +1000, Harald Christiansen wrote:
> Hi,
> \tempo "Moderato, " 4=112
> How do I remove the parentheses around metronome marks ?

I define these markups:

#(define-markup-command (mm layout props notetype beats) (string? string?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
    #:tiny "(" 
    #:teeny #:raise 0.4 (#:note notetype 1) 
    #:tiny "=" 
    #:tiny beats 
    #:tiny ")" 

#(define-markup-command (MM layout props notetype beats) (string? string?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
    #:tiny #:raise 0.4 (#:note notetype 1) 
    #:tiny "=" 
    #:tiny beats 

and include one or the other of them in my tempo markup:

\tempo \markup\bold{ Moderato, \MM #"4" #"112" }  %no parens

\tempo \markup\bold{ Moderato, \mm #"4" #"112" }  %with parens

These have worked for the last several development versions which 
means it will work with 2.18

Paul Scott

> Thanks.
> Cheers.
> -- 
> Nihil verus. Omnia possibilia.

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