Am 14.01.2015 um 21:35 schrieb Gilberto Agostinho:
Hello LilyPonders,

I composed my first piece in proportional notation using a constant
measurement of 1 second per bar (thus, each bar must always have the same
length throughout the whole score). The notes consist of noteheads only, no
flags, no beams, no stems, so the only reference for the players about the
timing is the horizontal position of the note inside a bar (think of
Xenakis' /Psappha/ but with a more irregular rhythm and less vertical lines
for reference )

I tried to notate this piece in LilyPond, but unfortunately it is not
working so far: inside of a single bar, the relations are indeed
proportional using the techniques described in the manual, but the problem
is the relation between two or more bars in a system, or even between
different systems. A piece like this should have always the same number of
bars per system, and the barlines between any two systems should always
coincide horizontally (since the bar lengths should be the same). So my
question is: how to notate this with LilyPond? Is this possible?

If someone wants to see more examples of this type of notation, just let me
know and I can go through my scores to share some examples (this type of
notation is fairly common with music from the 20th and 21th centuries).

Thanks a lot. Best,
Gilberto Agostinho

What you *can* do is add a second layer with spacer rests and override the minimal length of the MultiMeasureRest. I'm not sure if that will be reliable enough (particularly, this doesn't *squeeze* measure that would otherwise be too wide), but it's probably worth a look.


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