Anders, try this snippet:
%%%%%%%%%% SNIP HERE %%%%%%%%%% \version "2.19.11" \header { title="Pedal Steel Guitar - E9th" } noPed = \set fretLabels = #'("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" ) FPed = \set fretLabels = #'("0F" "1F" "2F" "3F" "4F" "5F" "6F" "7F" "8F" "9F" "10F" "11F" "12F" ) APed = \set fretLabels = #'("0A" "1A" "2A" "3A" "4A" "5A" "6A" "7A" "8A" "9A" "10A" "11A" "12A" ) PSGE-tuning = \stringTuning <b, d e fis gis b e' gis' dis' fis'> Notes = { <e' a' cis''>2 e''4} psgNotes = { %%\set TabStaff.minimumFret = #8 \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t %%\override StringNumber #'transparent = ##t \noPed <<{ \noPed e'2\6 } \\ { \APed g'2\5 } \\ { \FPed c''2\4 } >> e''4\4 } \score { << \new Staff { \clef "G" \key a \major \time 3/4 \Notes } \new TabStaff \with { stringTunings = \PSGE-tuning tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format } { \psgNotes } >> } %%%%%%%%%% SNIP HERE %%%%%%%%%% using \noPed, I initalized the fretLabels to use normal numbers. FPed sets the F suffix, APed the A suffix. copy and paste to your heart's delight to get more alterations. you will have to write your chords as temporary polyphonic voices, as in the example so the tab is formatted correctly for each distinct string. it's clunky, but it works. however, i'm sure one could hack the fret-letter-tablature-format function to do this more elegantly. HTH, regards, sb On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 9:54 PM, <> wrote: > I want to write some music for Pedal Steel Guitar. Most player are using > tablature so I want to use it also. One of my problems is that the Pedel > Steel Guitar has pedals! They re-tune one or more strings when pressed. > > (There is of cause no standard on how many pedals or which strings they > retune or how they re-tune them, but that is another problem...) > > The pedals are usually indicated by a letter beside the tab, e.g 8A, 8F,... > See image psg-tab.png > > In this case the A means that the 5 and 10 string is raised 2 semitones(B > to C#). F means that string 4 and 8 is raised 1 semitone(E to F). > > I have done this and it shows everything correct but for the pedal letter. > How can I get a letter beside the tab note? > > %% Start > \version "2.19.11" > > \header { > title="Pedal Steel Guitar - E9th" > } > > > PSGE-tuning = \stringTuning <b, d e fis gis b e' gis' dis' fis'> > Notes = { <e' a' cis''>2 e''4} > > psgNotes = { > \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t > %%\override StringNumber #'transparent = ##t > <<e'2\6 g'2\5 c''2\4 >> e''4\4 > } > > \score { > << > \new Staff { \clef "G" \key a \major \time 3/4 \Notes } > \new TabStaff \with > { stringTunings = \PSGE-tuning } > { > \psgNotes > } > >> > > } > > %% End > > > -- > English isn't my first language. > So any error or strangeness is due to the translation. > Please correct my English so that I may become better. > > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > > -- Do not meddle in the affairs of trombonists, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
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