Hi list,
is it possible to collect the measure/measure-position values of all
breaks in a compilation and output that to a logfile?
As mentioned yesterday I found a way to ask LilyPond to compile only a
portion of a score by passing a range of measures.
And if I had a generated list of all current breaks I could ask LilyPond
to recompile just the staff (or page) I'm currently working on.
Eventually this could be extended with the help of outputting single
files for systems (à la lilypond-book-preamble). I think of having
Frescobaldi display not a usual engraved PDF but concatenate these
individual system images. Then the autocompile function could be used to
only autocompile the "current" system - which would be a huge
improvement in terms of responsiveness.
As mentioned in my post a few minutes ago I haven't understood yet how
engravers, listeners and friends actually work so I'd need some starters
to get me going.
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