Dear Matt,

I dont compose. I arrange, mainly church music (choir, brass-choir,
organ, piano) and theory (combining texts and music). Seldom using
The beginning was quite arduous, I had no idea of programmin and
wanted to arrange directly in ly. Got it but then came Frescobaldi and
changed the game.
Have a eye at it. Its really the usefull app for composing.



2015-01-09 4:48 GMT-05:00, Richard Shann <>:
> On Thu, 2015-01-08 at 16:35 -0800, Matthew James Briggs wrote:
>> I'm starting to wonder if I should just skip it and learn Lilypond
>> instead, thus my object-oriented world could output Lilypond code
>> instead of MusicXML.
> I think that would be very wise: IMHO MusicXML gives the impression of
> something well-designed and comprehensively thought-out whereas the
> reality is that it is a horrendous hotchpotch of constructs singularly
> unsuited to describing written notation. With its horrible going
> forwards and backwards in time semantics, I doubt if it is suited to
> describing music events either.
> Richard Shann
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