Dear List,

I sent the following to Jaime E Oliver so I wanted to post it here also.

It's my code for special glissandi.

It's still personal code so naturally it can't be guaranteed to work for
all use cases; all I can is that it works well for my needs.

With a view to making these functions more effecient I was wondering if the
fact that I've used a lot of embedded postscript code is a bad thing?
Postscript has some nice functionality for looping and repeating drawing
commands which is one of the reasons I was drawn to it.

The main thing to watch out for is that this code doesn't behave across
line-breaks; I imagine this wouldn't be trivial to implement and so haven't
been too concerned by it. It would be amazing to have this, especially if
working on scores involving large groups of instruments.

I plan to have some down time in February/March when I can get around to
tidying up some other code and putting it out there for those who might be

all the best,



On 30 December 2014 at 11:04, Thomas Morley <>

> 2014-12-30 3:43 GMT+01:00 Jaime E Oliver <>:
> > Dear David, all,
> >
> > Thanks for your responses.
> >
> > Ideally I want to make a graphic notation for overpressure bowing
> similar to
> > the xenakis excerpt attached.
> >
> > I was thinking of adding stems to a cluster-band as a hopefully day
> > solution, but I see it is not so easy. I did try the new voice hack, but
> > didn't feel very elegant (not that I could do much better than that).
> >
> > Example 15) from Piaras does look great. I'll write him to enquire.
> Code for the stockhausen-glissando:
> Cheers,
>   Harm
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