2014-12-29 18:11 GMT+01:00 Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu>:
> Johan,
> As far as I can see there are no generally-accepted, authoritative
> standards about formatting of the elements of chord notation.
> There is an exhaustive book on chord notation, "Standardized Chord Symbol
> Notation: A Uniform System for the Music Profession", by Carl Brandt and
> Clinton Roemer.  But this notation is not uniformly applied in practice.
> Thanks,
> Carl Sorensen

I want to second.
There is no standard!
It will depend not only on the language, more, I've the impression
that every edition uses his own house-style.

In this light it's far to difficult to adjust LilyPond's default to

Because most of the internal functions not only processing data, but
formating them already (with make-line-markup, make-raise-markup,
etc), one needs to c/p a lot functions and definitions into a .ly-file
before you can even start to write sth like

Quite tedious. I did it already several times on request at the german
forum, although LilyPond provides _two_ german chord-naming-styles

I'm thinking about a major revision of our chord-naming-procedures for
quite a while.
Something at the lines of:
-Don't do any formating in basic functions/definitions
-Store all data in lists
-As _last_ step write a formatter

Carl, what do you think?


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