Hi, and welcome to the community!

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Jinsong Zhao <jsz...@yeah.net> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am try to learn LilyPond by doing. I have a score, which display a flat
> symbol in ees major. However, I can't get that in LilyPond.
> \version "2.19.15"
> \relative c, {
>   \clef "bass"
>   \key ees \major
>   c8 g' ees' g, c,4  < g'' bes, > |%m69
> }
> The last note in that score has a flat symbol. I think the last note may
> be ``beses,'', if so, the double flat symbol appears. How to get a flat
> symbol beside the note? Thank you very much for any suggestion or comments.

I'm not sure I understand what you are after.

If you want the note to be a B-double-flat, the proper notation is with a
double-flat symbol, regardless if B is flatted in the key signature.  A
flat in front of the B would simply confirm that it is in fact a B-flat.

If you want to force the accidental to appear, add an exclamation point
after the pitch: bes,!

Hope this helps,
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