On 12/21/2014 04:29 AM, Thomas Morley wrote:
> it's due to the changes for 'EventChord. Until 2.15.x (don't
> remember the exact version) every single note was wrapped into an
> 'EventChord.

Thanks, Harm!  That’s the clue I needed.

> A quick fix would be to wrap the music into EventChords again.

I suppose... I may as well take this opportunity to make it work with
anything with a 'duration property, though.

I’m trying to figure out a generic way to do a *shallow* copy of
heterogeneous structures (i.e., to traverse and copy unmodified as a
starting point, before introducing the few small modifications I want to
make).  Searching hasn’t turned up anything other than
ly:music-deep-copy... if anyone has a pointer to a template for this,
I’d be grateful.

Merry Christmas and/or happy Saturnalia to those as appropriate,
Chris Maden, text nerd  <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
Surround hate and force it to surrender.
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