There are two strands in this.

1. Questions related to the use of LilyPond.

2. Questions related to the use of Scheme etc coding for tweaking LilyPond.

The first is best served by the lilypond-user community.

The second is dealt with to some extent in the "Scores of Beauty" but only goes 
so far. Information in the strange world of Scheme
is rather patchy and usually assumes a high level of familiarity with the terms 
used. The list concept for instance and control of
memory not to mention smobs. In these areas on line forums such as 
Stackoverflow provide a useful resource.

It is arguable that (for example) the LilyPond interfaces ly:etc could be 
better explained. 

I am well aware that skilled programmers, clear thinking logicians and pedantic 
musicologists have little patience with blunderings
of mere mortals - although a few show remarkable forebearance. 

If Lily use is to prosper and expand surely detailed information on the 
structure and philosophy of the code would benefit all.

It goes without saying that LilyPond is one of the finest examples of open 
source collaboaration and is without equal in its genre.

No harm in wanting the best to get better. 

Festive feliciatations to Lily folk everywhere.
Peter Gentry 

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