Ted, you wrote Monday, December 22, 2014 10:30 PM

> I'm trying to typeset a rather complicated manuscript and I've run into two 
> brick walls right at the end of the process.   The first is that I can't for 
> the life of me figure out how lilypond does staff fragments for manuscript 
> annotation.   If you look at the bottom of the first page of the following 
> PDF, you can see what I mean:
> https://github.com/Abhayakara/music/blob/master/romanza.pdf?raw=true
> I attached the two staff fragments to the bottom of an existing system 
> because I can't think of any other way to place them where I want on the 
> page.   This sort of works, but it comes with two problems.   First, they're 
> too close to the system above, and so the spacing is all wrong on the page.   
> And second, they're the wrong size, and I can't see how to scale them.

I think using LilyPond's \footnote would help.  See 
It can be a bit messy to use, and some of the functionality is less than 
desirable, but it should be able to improve on the layout you've achieved so 

To scale these footnote scores use the magnifyStaff music function.  This is 
not comprehensively documented in the manuals yet, but simply include 
\magnifyStaff 0.7 (or whatever value you want) in a \with block to the Staff 
you wish to change.

> Oh, I guess a third problem with these fragments is that it would be nice to 
> eliminate the treble clef, but I have a feeling that's an easier problem to 
> solve, so it's not the one I'm focusing on.   Any clues would be appreciated.

\omit Clef

> Oh, and of course it would also be nice if the a) and b) could be to the left 
> of the staff fragment rather than above it, but again I suspect that this 
> would be tractable if I had a better idea of how to do the actual layout.

\footnote does this.

So, putting all this together, the first footnote in bar 4 would be something 

  % 4
  ( c16 d <a c>8-1-2 d ees e-1 |
  \once \override Score.FootnoteItem.annotation-line = ##f
  s^\footnote "a)" #'(0 . 2)
  \markup {
    \score {
      \new Staff
      \with { 
        \omit Clef
        \omit TimeSignature
        \magnifyStaff 0.7
      } {
         \relative c' { bes'4 c32 bes a bes c16 d }
      \layout {
         ragged-right = ##t
         indent = 0\cm 
  s2 |
  s1 |
  s1 |
  d8 f d f f,4) r |
  bes2 s2 |
  s1 |


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