Thank you for the reply.
Maybe this is the easy understanding or reasonable solution. The demo
mini example is a LilyPond replication of someone's sheet I saw from a
video. The ``\tempo 4 = 82'' is at the right side of ees'2 in a smaller
style. The ``\tempo "rit." 4 = 75'' is also at the right side of ees1 in
the same style, but without parentheses and ``rit.'' in bold. However, I
don't know if it's the correct way to typesetting in such way.
Best regards,
On 2014/12/21 21:58, Malte Meyn wrote:
Have you tried the \tempo command?
ees4 \tempo 4 = 82 ees'2. |%m76
\tempo "rit." 4 = 75 ees1 |%m79
Am 22.12.2014 um 03:15 schrieb Jinsong Zhao:
Hi there,
I am new to LilyPond. I try to typeset a music sheet. The following is a
snippet. I don't satisfy the code in \markup, especially the size of the
\version "2.18.2"
\relative c'' {
\clef "treble"
\key ees \major
\tempo 4 = 90
f8 g f d ees2 ~ |%m75
ees4 ees'2.\fermata ^\markup {\null \translate #'(2 . 0) \magnify
#0.5 \note #"4" #1 = "82"} |%m76
bes4. aes8 g4 d'4 |%m77
ees1 ~ |%m78
ees1^\markup {\null \translate #'(2 . 0) \bold "rit." \magnify #0.5
\note #"4" #1 = "75" } |%m79
ees,,1 ~ |%m80
ees1 \bar "|." %m81
Any suggestion or comments will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
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