On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 6:39 PM, Francisco Vila <paconet....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Did you try a toplevel markup before the actual score?
> \markup {the logo}
> \score {
>     { c' }
> }

I tried adding it to things in the \header part.

\header {
    title = \markup { ... \epsfile ... }

The problem is that this way the logo treated like the title text
and takes space like it. I'd like to give it a fixed place on a separate layer.
Sort of 'print the logo 2cm from the top and 3cm from the left of the page',
independent of any other text.


Markus Baertschi, Bas du Rossé 16, CH-1163, Etoy, Switzerland
mar...@markus.org, +41 (79) 403 1186 (mobile)

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