Happy Thanksgiving to all Lilyponders!

I am grateful that such a community as this exists, in which there is so much 
good will and friendliness, while still holding everyone to a high standard.  
And that this community works toward the constant attainment and improvement 
of, as the blog title says, "scores of beauty."

God bless you all, and be well!

~Conor Cook

> On Nov 27, 2014, at 1:38 AM, Abraham Lee <tisimst.lilyp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I realize that Thanksgiving is an American holiday, but I thought I'd just 
> say, "Thank you!" to everyone that is or has been involved in the 
> development, usage, support, etc. of LilyPond. There are so many talented 
> individuals on this and other related mailing lists that provide help and 
> insight into a marvelous piece of software, making it, and the people they 
> help, better. 
> I look forward to my continued interactions with all of you and I hope that 
> all the upcoming holidays are filled with joy and peace.
> If there is anything I can do for any of you, please let me know!
> Regards,
> Abraham
> Sent from my iPhone

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