2014-11-25 15:49 GMT+01:00 Jay Vara <j...@diljun.com>:
> Trying to force the lyric in David's program to associate with the
> Staff/Voice, I added a name "jun" to the voice and see if that worked.
> noteNameToLyric =
> #(define-void-function (parser location lst) (list?)
> (let* ((str (t lst))
> (str (string-append "{ " str "}")))
> (display str) (newline)
> (ly:parser-include-string
> parser
> (string-append " \\new Lyrics \\lyricsto \"jun\" " str))))
> music = \relative c' { c4 d e f g a b c }
> \new Staff
> <<
> \new Voice = "jun" \music
> \noteNameToLyric \extractPitches \music
> In this case, the lyrics, that is the pitch numbers, did not show up at all!
> Wonder why?


I couldn't get David's code to work either, would have been very elegant.
Though, attached my own attempt using Davids work and some recyceled
own codings.

Several comments inline.
And you'll still find some TODOs

\version "2.19.13"

%% for nicer displaying
#(use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))

%% Define the language, if you want, needs to be a string.
%% If not set the default will be used.
%% TODO: How to read out the used language directly from:
%% \language "what-ever"
%% ?
which-language = "deutsch"

#(define which-language
;; tests whether 'which-language' is defined already and if 'which-language' is
;; part of 'language-pitch-names', see define-note-names.scm
;; if not, use 'default-language' (netherlands), see declarations-init.ly
   (if (defined? 'which-language)
       (let ((possible-languages (map car language-pitch-names)))
         ;(write possible-languages)
         (if (member (string->symbol which-language) possible-languages)
             (ly:error "specified language, \"~a\", does not exist" 
%% Ofcourse this means the input language has to be 'which-language'
\language \which-language

#(define used-notenames 
;; returns a subset of 'language-pitch-names', specified by which-language.
;; key and value are exchanged
;; i.e. the alist is from type '((pitch . name) ... )
     (lambda (e) (reverse-interval e))
       (string->symbol which-language) 

%#(pretty-print used-notenames)

#(define (get-pitch elt)
   (ly:music-property elt 'pitch))
#(define (get-duration elt)
   (ly:music-property elt 'duration))
#(define (extract-pitches lst)
;; 'lst' is supposed to be a list of music, p.e. created via 
;; 'extract-named-music'.
;; 'extract-pitches' puts out a list of pitch-duration pairs.
;; EventChords are special-cased in a nested list.
    (define (helper lst-1 result) 
       ((null? lst-1) result)
       ((ly:pitch? (get-pitch (car lst-1)))
        (set! result (append result 
                             (list (cons (get-pitch (car lst-1)) 
                                         (get-duration (car lst-1))))))
        (helper (cdr lst-1) result))
       ((ly:music-property (car lst-1) 'elements)
         (if (music-is-of-type? (car lst-1) 'event-chord)
             (append result 
                       (helper (ly:music-property (car lst-1) 'elements) '())))
             (helper (ly:music-property (car lst-1) 'elements) result))
         (helper (cdr lst-1) '())))
       (else (helper (cdr lst-1) result))))
   ;(pretty-print (helper lst '()))
   (helper lst '()))
#(define (pitchname-duration pitch-duration)
;; 'pitch-duration' is supposed to be a list of pitch-duration-pairs
;; 'pitchname-duration' outputs a list of string-duration-pairs, where the 
;; string is the note-name in the curently used language, looked up in
;; 'used-notenames', octave-signs are added.
   (let* ((pitch (car pitch-duration))
          (dur (cdr pitch-duration))
          (pitch-octaves (ly:pitch-octave pitch))
          (pitch-notename (ly:pitch-notename pitch))
          (pitch-alteration (ly:pitch-alteration pitch))
          ;; create a pitch with alteration, name but 
          ;; octave set to -1
          ;; this ensures the possibility to look it up in 
          ;; 'used-notenames'
          (p (ly:make-pitch -1 pitch-notename pitch-alteration))
             (symbol->string (assoc-get p used-notenames)))
          ;; recreate the octave-notation
          ;; TODO: does this apply for all languages?
          ;; lack of knowledge here, so ...
            (cond ((< pitch-octaves 0)
                     (make-list (1- (abs pitch-octaves)) ",")))
                  ((= pitch-octaves 0) "'")
                  ((> pitch-octaves 0)
                     (make-list (1+ (abs pitch-octaves)) "'")))))
            (string-append pitch-name-strg octave-sign)))
     (cons absolute-pitch-name dur)))
#(define (output-lyrics pitchname-duration-ls)
;; 'output-lyrics' returns a list of LyricEvents.
;; 'text and 'duration are taken from 'pitchname-duration-ls'
;; directly or processed from there.
;; If an EventChord occurs, a center-columned markup is built.
     (lambda (e)
       (let ((txt-dur-list
               (if (list? e)
                   (let* ((name-dur-ls (map pitchname-duration e))
                          ;; get duration from first note-event of an 
                          ;; event-chord should be sufficient!?
                          (first-dur (cdar e))
                          (mrkp-args (reverse (map car name-dur-ls)))
                            (make-override-markup '(baseline-skip . 2.3)
                      (cons mrkp first-dur))
                   (pitchname-duration e))))
       (make-lyric-event (car txt-dur-list) (cdr txt-dur-list))))
noteNameToLyric =
#(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
;; Returns a list of lyric-events containing the NoteNames found 
;; in 'music'.
   (let* ((lst (output-lyrics 
                  (extract-named-music music '(EventChord NoteEvent))))))
     $(make-sequential-music lst)))

music = 
\relative c' { 
	c,, cis d dis e f fis g gis a ais b c 
	cis d dis e f fis g gis a ais b c
	\tuplet 3/2 { b4 b b }
	%% TODO:
	%% doesn't work with \repeat unfold
	%\repeat unfold 2 cisis4
	\repeat volta 2 { cis d dis e f fis g gis a ais b c }
	\alternative {
		{ \transpose c cis'' <c e g> }
		{ d }
	%% TODO:
	%% fails for simultaneuos music
	%<< { c' e } \\ { e, g } >>

  \new Staff 
  \new Lyrics {
    \set stanza = 
        \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.8)
        \center-column { "language" "is" \which-language }
    \noteNameToLyric \music
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