Hi Thomas, Attached a possible code. HTH, Pierre 2014-11-23 19:28 GMT+01:00 "Thomas U. Grüttmüller" <sloym...@gmx.net>:
Hi list, > > I would like to transcribe the notes from Ludwig Erk’s Liederhort. > Unfortunately, I don’t know how to handle these two things: > > * In some songs, there are dotted voltas, which – I guess – are there to > indicate an optional repeatition. > > * Some songs also feature tiny notes, which are there to indicate a > diverging rhythm in different stanzas. > > What would be the best way to transcribe them? > > Please have a look at <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Deutscher_ > Liederhort_%28Erk%29_044a.jpg> for an example featuring both issues. > > Kind regards, > Thomas > > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-user mailing list > lilypond-user@gnu.org > https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user >
\version "2.18.2" \pointAndClickOff %% hide warnings (optional): % { #(define (suppress message x) (let loop ((c x)) (if (> c 0) (begin (ly:expect-warning message) (loop (1- c)))))) #(suppress "barcheck failed at: -1/8" 1) #(suppress "barcheck failed at: 3/8" 1) %} % optional volta bars: \defineBarLine ";|]" #'(";" "|" "]") \defineBarLine "[;" #'("[" ";" "") % small notes repositioning rp = \once\override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #0.3 global = { \clef G \key f\major \time 2/4 \partial 8 } myChant = \relative f' { \autoBeamOff \stemNeutral \global % mes.0 | c8 % mes.1 | f8 f f g % mes.2 | a8 g f4 % mes.3 | a8 a a bes % mes.4 | c8 bes a f % mes.5 | f'4 f16[ e] d8 % mes.6a | c4 r8 \repeat volta 2 { %% optional bar \bar "[;" % mes.6b | c8^\markup\huge "*" % mes.7 | d8 bes g bes % mes.8 | c8 a f g % mes.9 | a8 c bes g % mes.10a | f4 r8 %% optional bar \bar ";|]" } % mes.10b \override Score.BreakAlignment.break-align-orders = #( make-vector 3 '( span-bar breathing-sign staff-bar clef key-cancellation key-signature time-signature)) \once\set Staff.forceClef = ##t \once\override Staff.Clef.full-size-change = ##t \once\override Staff.Clef.space-alist.key-signature = #'(minimum-space . 4.5) \once\override Staff.Clef.X-offset = #1 \clef G \key f\major | c'8 -\tweak X-offset #-3 ^\markup { \huge "*" "Oder:" } % mes.11 | bes8 bes d16[ c] bes8 % mes.12 | a8 bes c a % mes.13 | g8 g \stemDown bes16[ a] \stemNeutral g8 % mes.14 | f8 g a f % mes.15 | a8 a bes e, % mes.16 | f4 r8 \bar "|." } mySmallNotes = \relative f' { s8 s2*6 \teeny \autoBeamOff % mes.7 | s4 \stemDown g16 g \stemUp \rp bes bes % mes.8 | s4. \stemDown g16 g s2*2 % mes.11 | \stemUp \rp bes16 bes \rp bes bes s4 % mes.12 | \stemDown a16 a s4. % mes.13 | g16 g g g s4 % mes.14 | f16 f s4. } myLyrics = \lyricmode { Es freit ein wil -- der Was -- ser -- mann von dem Berg und tie -- fen Thal, wol ü -- ber die See, er freit nach könig -- lichem A -- del -- stamm, nach_der schö -- nen Han -- na -- le. er wollte Königs Töchter aus Enge -- land habn, er wollte Königs -- töchter aus Enge -- land habn, die schö -- nen Han -- na -- le. } \paper { system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #14 } \layout { system-count = 4 } << \new Staff << \new Voice = "Chant" \myChant \new Voice \mySmallNotes >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto Chant \myLyrics >>
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_______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user