Mr. Nalesnik: thank you for making public your scheme code for writing Roman Numeral/figured bass analysis: This code has been invaluable to me for writing examples for a music theory course. I have one small issue, and that is, when I want to put three Arabic numerals that are to be in one vertical line after a roman number, the numbers are not rendered this way, as demo-ed by my attached sample lilypond file. Yes, I know that the figured bass "6 5 3" is usually abbreviated as "6 5", but for the purposes of instruction, I find it desirable to sometimes have all three Arabic numbers. Is there a way that your code can be expanded to accommodate three Arabic numbers in one vertical column? I see that your above post is dated March of 2012, and so perhaps, you have some more recent code that has been made available? Thank you again for your code. Ivan. P.S. For those you would like to run my sample lilypond file, you need to download the file from the above link, edit out everything after "... %%% EXAMPLE %%% ..." and include this file in the same directory. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \include "" \include "" % Used as is, except delete everything after "EXAMPLE" \score { \new Staff = "f_major" \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } { \time 4/4 \key f \major \clef "treble" \voiceOne { <c'' e' g' bf'>1 } } \addlyrics{ \markup \rN { V 6 5 3 } } } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list