Thomas Morley-2 wrote > Hi Paul, > > maybe something at the lines of: > > my-paper-settings = > #'((system-system-spacing . (padding . 10)) > ;(score-system-spacing . (padding . 0)) > ;(markup-system-spacing . (padding . 0)) > ;(score-markup-spacing . (padding . 0)) > ;(markup-markup-spacing . (padding . 0)) > (top-system-spacing . (padding . 10)) > ;(top-markup-spacing . (padding . 0)) > (ragged-last-bottom . #f) > (last-bottom-spacing . (padding . 10)) > ) > > foo = > #(define-scheme-function (parser location lst)(list?) > (let* ((paper (ly:parser-lookup parser '$defaultpaper))) > (for-each > (lambda (x) > (ly:output-def-set-variable! > paper > (car x) > (if (pair? (cdr x)) > (list (cdr x)) > (cdr x)))) > lst))) > > \foo \my-paper-settings > > % EXAMPLE MUSIC > global = { \key c \major \time 4/4 } > somenotes = \repeat unfold 48 { c8[ c] } > chordNames = \chordmode { \global \repeat unfold 12 { c1:m } } > melody = \relative c'' { \global \somenotes } > verse = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 48 { la la } } > right = \relative c'' { \global \somenotes } > left = \relative c' { \global \somenotes } > \score { > << > << > \new ChordNames \chordNames > \new Staff { \melody } > \addlyrics { \verse } > >> > \new PianoStaff << > \new Staff = "right" { \right } > \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass \left } > >> > >> > \layout { } > }
Thanks Harm! Looks like this will do the trick. I had looked at the various ly:output-def... functions, but I was not sure how to get the output definition (i.e. paper or layout). So it's good you know how to do that. For future reference, how did you figure out how to do this: (ly:parser-lookup parser '$defaultpaper) Did you look at the source code, or somewhere in the documentation, or the LSR? I didn't find anything on these output definitions in the internals reference. It looks like the following will work for layout: (ly:parser-lookup parser '$defaultlayout) Thanks again! -Paul -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list