In the following example, the melisma is used improperly:

%% -- Start
\version "2.19.15"
\language "english"

theNotes = \relative c' {
  c4 c c c | c b8 a b4 r4 |

theLyrics = \lyricmode {
  On -- ward Chris -- tian sol _ -- diers

\score {
    \new Staff \theNotes
    \addlyrics \theLyrics
  \layout {
%% -- End

A warning is emitted, as it should, but here is the text:


Interpreting music...

programming error: hyphen not finished yet

continuing, cross fingers

In this example it's easy to see where the problem is, but in a large
piece, it would be nice to have a line number.  Also, I'm not sure
"programming error" is the best way to describe the problem.  I wouldn't
call this a bug, but maybe a suggestion for improvement.

Your thoughts?

Knute Snortum
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