

OK, I see it. I practice the piano, some Bach, and the notation seems unusual 
to me (perhaps my limited experience). An after grace concludes a trill and 
proceeds into the next note. In the measure 159 the trilled note (“b”) is tied 
to the subsequent “b.”


Do you have another edition to compare the notation? I shall look also.




From: Federico Bruni [mailto:fedel...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2014 11:34 AM
To: Mark Stephen Mrotek
Cc: Lilypond-User Mailing List
Subject: RE: how to get an acciaccatura (with stroke) at the end of barline?


Il giorno dom 9 nov 2014 alle 20:10, Mark Stephen Mrotek <carsonm...@ca.rr.com> 
ha scritto:

Since a “grace” and an “acciaccatura” are different, their formatting is 
different. From what you describe does the following work?


\relative c'' {

  s2 b \acciaccatura { \bar "" a8 \bar "|" }



Mark, thanks but this is not what I'm trying to reproduce. It's bar 159 of this 
piece (Allegro): 



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