The chord notation c/a stands for "c major triad with an a in bass". Generally, 
you can write "chord / bass note" with this construction, "bass note" being the 
operative word here. So your c/a example works but c:7 / a:7 is actually a 
polychord construct. There's a way to do this in Lilypond (you'll have to 
google it or check the snippets repository) but it's not straightforward or - 
to my knowledge - yet built into the current LP releases. 

Best, Robert 


The men who radically altered history, the great creative scientists and 
mathematicians, are seldom mentioned [in biographical history], if at all. 
--Martin Gardner

> On 9 Nov 2014, at 13:37, "Simon Herter" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> when I try to add maj7 to an alternate chord, it doesn't show up:
> ---------
> \version "2.18.2"
> \chords { c/a }
> \chords { c:7/a:7 }
> ---------
> How can  I get that small 7 next to "A"?
> Simon
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