Hi David (et al.),

> Ideally, for this sort of thing there should be a special grob.  This grob 
> could also encompass the very common piano notation that shows that a note 
> ought to be taken by the other hand (the bracket with one wing)


Since it would almost certainly require (or at least benefit from) 
staff-spanning capabilities (e.g., across the gap in a PianoStaff), couldn’t 
this nicely combine into a grob which *encompasses* (e.g., boxes, 
parenthesizes, brackets, braces, etc.) a set of notes/grobs? Then this new grob 
could serve a number of similar — and extremely useful — purposes.

> Note that what I've done here is not orthodox--it's "messing with internals" 
> as LilyPond currently has no user interface for building new grobs.  (You 
> will get errors talking about redefinition of properties if you compile 
> multiple files at once using this engraver.)

What (roughly speaking) would it take technically to create such a user 
interface? If I remember correctly, the whole Scheme engraver thing was a bit 
of a cobbled solution (to overcome the difficulty of creating engravers in 
C++), and they have clearly been a boon to the platform/application. Can 
something similar be done for grob creation?


Kieren MacMillan, composer
www:  <http://www.kierenmacmillan.info>
email:  i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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