I found the following in LSR: % fix accidentals with some Scheme (using the current font's symbols)
#(define (my-chord-name->pop-markup pitch lowercase?) (let* ((alt (ly:pitch-alteration pitch))) (make-line-markup (list (make-simple-markup (conditional-string-downcase (vector-ref #("C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "A" "B") (ly:pitch-notename pitch)) lowercase?)) ;; If it's natural, do nothing (if (= alt 0) (make-line-markup (list empty-markup)) (if (= alt FLAT) ;; Otherwise, handle adding the flat symbol (make-line-markup (list (make-hspace-markup 0.3) (make-small-markup (make-raise-markup 0.7 (make-text-markup "b"))))) ;; or handle adding the sharp symbol (make-line-markup (list (make-hspace-markup 0.1) (make-small-markup (make-raise-markup 0.7 (make-text-markup "#"))))))))))) How can I change (make-text-markup "b") to use the flat symbol instead of lowercase "b" and (make-text-markup "#") to use the sharp symbol instead of the pound sign? Thanks, Keith Luke
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