Am 24.10.2014 08:35, schrieb Marc Hohl:
Am 23.10.2014 um 20:55 schrieb Abraham Lee:
Try putting them in "/home/marc/.local/share/fonts" instead. I've
noticed that things seem to work a little better in there.
No, doesn't work either ... :-(
What I'm asking myself is *which* part is actually causing the error.
Maybe you could look into and try to follow
what is happening there. Maybe this gives a clue to some hidden setting
that may be done differently when compiling in this context?
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 23, 2014, at 12:31 PM, Marc Hohl <> wrote:
Am 23.10.2014 um 16:43 schrieb Abraham Lee:
I've never done anything with lilypondbook, so I can't say
definitively, but it sounds like the fonts need to be put in your
system font directory.
this is what I had in mind, too, and copied the .otf files in my
~/.fonts directory and called fc-cache afterwards.
$ fc-list | grep adence
/home/marc/.fonts/cadence-16.otf: cadence\-16:style=16
/home/marc/.fonts/cadence-26.otf: cadence\-26:style=26
/home/marc/.fonts/cadence-14.otf: cadence\-14:style=14
/home/marc/.fonts/cadence-13.otf: cadence\-13:style=13
/home/marc/.fonts/cadence-23.otf: cadence\-23:style=23
/home/marc/.fonts/cadence-11.otf: cadence\-11:style=11
/home/marc/.fonts/cadence-18.otf: cadence\-18:style=18
/home/marc/.fonts/cadence-20.otf: cadence\-20:style=20
Cadence seems to be known by my system, but not by ghostscript in
combination with lilypond-book.
That's not a big problem, since Cadence is not optimal in
combination with the text fonts used in my project, but it would be
great if the new fonts were available within lilypond-book, too.
Only LilyPond uses it's own fonts folder, so if you are using
another program for this, it will be looking for them in the system
font folder.
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 23, 2014, at 3:29 AM, Marc Hohl <> wrote:
Hi list,
I wanted to give the new alternative font "Cadence" a try in my
current project, which is based on lilypond-book and xelatex.
Unfortunately, I got dozens of lines like
Layout nach »./de/lily-510b5f50.eps« ausgeben...
Warnung: "cadence-18"="cadence-18" kann nicht eingebettet werden
Warnung: "cadence-20"="cadence-20" kann nicht eingebettet werden
Warnung: "cadence-20"="cadence-20" kann nicht eingebettet werden
and therefore, the note head glyphs are missing in the resulting
Compiling a standalone lilypond document like the following:
\version "2.19.16"
\paper {
#(define fonts
#:music "cadence"
\score {
\new Staff { c'' d'' e'' }
runs without error (and includes the note heads in the output).
Do I have to move the .otf font files in a directory where
ghostscript can find them?
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